East Van Tiny Gallery
Open daily - as long as there is light

The Maker

April 2, 2022
Thank you all for joining us at the East Van Tiny Gallery Opening of “The Maker”. We were so lucky to catch the sun! Thanks to David Jordan for reading his poetry! So wonderful and inspiring to hear your soulful, witty and thoughtful words! If you can’t make over here in person to see the show ( Parker , near Kamloops) or even if you can… check out the short animated film that inspired this piece. A few friends heard the piece “Winter” written by their friend Paul Halley and wrote a short film script and then produced the animated short film The Maker to promote the music. This short film says so much about about creativity, the human spirit and the ineffable. Much to do, and so little time.  

Two wonderful things happened at the EVTG this week. The first one is a whodunnit. A total mystery. An artist in the EVTG universe created this offering, and there it was on the sill of the gallery. We do have prime suspects… but no one has come forward. Who ever made it, did their homework(watched the movie) and sculpted this beautiful creature. We love it soooo much. Thank you to the mystery artist who travels amongst us. We have had the thought that no one did it, but it was conjured by the magical forces of time, community, intention and good will. And/ or those forces through the hands and heart of an artist.
The other wonderful happening is our dear friend furniture maker and designer Harri De weijze popped over with work bench and tools to help with the renovation. Thankfully we had some good weather. I just took pictures! Just trying to keep the rain out while living in a rain forest. Now that we have discovered and joined the international community of tiny galleries… our artful minds have been blown! Tiny galleries are everywhere and share the love of art, experimentation, the ephemeral, community, performance and the exhibition of tiny art. Hope that you can all get out and enjoy this beautiful day and take a moment to enjoy the extraordinary events exploding into full life. Nothing at all ordinary about the exquisite renewal of spring. All in plain site.

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